
Important Dates & Times

Sunday December 01, 2024 at 12:00 AM
Saturday February 01, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Saturday February 01, 2025 at 11:59 PM
Saturday March 08, 2025 at 8:00 AM
Friday February 21, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Saturday March 08, 2025 at 2:30 PM





National History Day Contest Monmouth University March 2, 2024

Use this link for Directions to Monmouth University. Please enter the University from Larchwood Ave. Parking is available in any of the following lots: 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, or 22. After dropping students off, buses may only park in Lot 18. A printable campus map can be found here. Please familiarize yourself with the map before arrival, and bring a copy with you if possible.

7:45 AM - Continental Breakfast for Students and Guests

Outside Pozycki Auditorium

8:00 AM Information Table

Visit the information table to access the contest program and agenda using the posted QR codes. Also, look for information about Monmouth University, and more.
Outside Pozycki Auditorium

7:45 - 9:15 Judges’ Welcome, Breakfast, and Contest Review

Rebecca Stafford Student Center, Cafeteria (Main Level)

7:45-8:45 AM Exhibit Set-up (STUDENTS ONLY during setup)

Rebecca Stafford Student Center, Anacon Hall (Second Floor)

9:00 AM Opening Ceremonies (Welcome and Roll Call)

Melissa Ziobro, Director of Public History, Department of History and Anthropology and Curator, Bruce Springsteen Archives & Center for American Music
Pozycki Auditorium

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Competition

Please refer to the full Schedule for your assigned interview times and locations.

11:30 - 1:00 Lunch 

There is a DELICIOUS all-you-can-eat buffet available at the Magill Commons Dining Hall. Cost for lunch is $15.75; CREDIT CARDS ONLY. You may also of course also bring lunch or go off campus.

1:00 - 1:30 Exhibits open for general viewing

Anacon Hall, Rebecca Stafford Student Center (Second Floor)

1:30-1:45 Exhibit Breakdown

Anacon Hall, Rebecca Stafford Student Center (Second Floor)

Anacon Hall is the site of the Awards Ceremony so exhibits must be broken down and removed by 1:45 to allow the room to be reset for the Awards Ceremony.

2:30 Junior Awards Ceremony (Anacon Hall)
Anacon Hall, Rebecca Stafford Student Center (Second Floor)
Announcement of qualifiers for the state competition at William Paterson University NOTE: Seating is limited. Please DO NOT report to Anacon Hall until your assigned awards ceremony start time.

3:15 Senior Awards Ceremony (Anacon Hall)
Anacon Hall, Rebecca Stafford Student Center (Second Floor)
Announcement of qualifiers for the state competition at William Paterson University NOTE: Seating is limited. Please DO NOT report to Anacon Hall until your assigned awards ceremony start time.

A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: For Monmouth University: Office of the Provost, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History and Anthropology, Office of Admissions, Office of Student Activities and Student Center Operations, Gourmet Dining. For NJ History Day: William Paterson University and the New Jersey Historical Commission.

Group Documentary
Group Exhibit
Group Performance
Group Website
Individual Documentary
Individual Exhibit
Individual Performance
Individual Website

Historical Quality

The most important aspect of an entry is its historical quality, which determines 60% of the total evaluation. The judges' evaluation will rest on the students' success at conducting historical research, interpreting their research, and drawing conclusions. A superior rating generally reflects positive responses to the following questions:

  • Is the entry historically accurate?
  • Does the entry provide analysis and interpretation of the historical data in addition to an accurate description? The entry should not simply recount facts but interpret them.
  • Does the entry demonstrate an understanding of the historical context - the intellectual, physical, social, and cultural setting?
  • Does the entry reflect historical perspective - the causes and consequences of an event, for example, or the relationship of a local topic to larger events?
  • Does the annotated bibliography demonstrate solid research?
  • Does the entry demonstrate a balanced presentation of materials?
  • Does the entry use a variety of viewpoints (e.g., those who suffered as well as those who benefited, males, females, people from different racial or ethnic socioeconomic groups, as appropriate to the topic)?
  • Does the entry demonstrate the use of available primary sources and secondary sources?

Clarity of Presentation

Although historical quality is most important, entries must be presented in an effective manner. This section is worth 20% of the total evaluation. Do not be carried away by glitz; simpler is often - but not always - better. The following questions will be considered by judges when looking at clarity of presentation:

  • Is the entry original, creative, well organized, and imaginative in subject and presentation?
  • Is the entry effective in communicating the significance of the topic?
  • Is the written material clear, grammatical, and correctly spelled?
  • In exhibits, are the title, sectional divisions, and main points easy to discern?
  • Are photographs and images appropriate in terms of content and location?
  • Is the overall project pleasing to the eye?
  • In a documentary or performance, is the script clear?
  • In a performance, do the students display stage presence?
  • Is the visual material clear and appropriate for the type of entry?
  • Do the students display adequate familiarity with their equipment?

Adherence to Theme

The entry must clearly explain the relation of the topic to the annual National History Day theme. This section is worth 20%of the total evaluation. The topic should be placed in historical context, and the entry must demonstrate the student's understanding of the significance of the topic in history. The entry should not confuse fame with significance. In other words, the entry should answer the questions, "So what? Why was this important?" It should not be just descriptive. The relationship of the entry's topic to the yearly theme should be explicit and should be integrated into the entry itself.

In addition to these three sections, a fourth section is at the bottom of the sheet, indicating compliance with the rules laid out in the Contest Rule Book. Rule infractions can, in some cases, lead to disqualification (or at the very least, an equally-qualified project to not advance over another), so please be sure to familiarize yourself with them. Questions? Your teachers and coordinators are here to help!




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